
Estimator, Project Manager, Site Supervisor, Foreman, Labor, Painters >>>>>>>>>>>>Hiring in 2021


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This application contains disclosures and consent forms which usually are provided in written form. I understand that I have the right to receive such disclosures and give my consent or authorization on paper instead of electronically. If I do consent to engage in electronic transactions, I understand that I have the right to withdraw my consent, and can do so by notifying the hiring manager or person in charge at this location. I can also use this procedure to update information needed to contact me. If I decide at any point during this application process to withdraw my consent to engage in electronic transactions, I understand that I will have to sign a corresponding paper authorization or consent form as needed if I wish to continue with the application. I understand that any consent given here applies only to the electronic transactions related to this job application, and that I can access the electronic records by contacting the company. I further understand that I may request a paper copy of any consent or authorization I give electronically. I may receive such paper copies at no cost within the next 60 days by contacting TRJ Works

Press the Submit Application button when you have completed your application.


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Are you willing to work overtime?

11 + 4 =